Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family and friends are a key element in the success of a business

I’m home from the Craft and Hobby Association Summer Tradeshow feeling validated, enthusiastic and more focused. It was an excellent show and very different from the other gift and party trade shows that I’ve attended. At many of the booths, I made it a point to learn about the company's history and owners in addition to hearing about their products. The stories, timelines, risks and rewards were fascinating and heartening. The support of family and friends was repeatedly referenced and evident.

If the support of family and friends is a key element in the success of a business, then I have no doubt that Casual Panache will realize the stature I’m envisioning. Many days, it’s the excitement of my children, the eagerness of my friends and family and encouragement from my husband that re-energizes my commitment to this venture.

Here’s a great example of what keeps me going… today, my 11 year old son created a slide show / video commercial for Casual Panache and posted it on You Tube. I’m so proud and honored! I love that he sees this new business as something fun and something that he wants to be apart of. He’s sure we are going to get thousands of views. If you come across the video, keep in mind that he created this totally on his own. It was not proofed or reviewed by the Casual Panache Marketing Director (me) prior to it being posted;).

It’s good to be home. I can’t wait to start working on my new ideas and responding to the many sales that will be placed as a result of the new You Tube commercial.


Jbird said...

We are ready to support you! Welcome back. You should post the link to YouTube. I'd love to see it.

Maria said...

Keep up the great work Kim! Can't wait to have one of your parties!! Let me know how to access Andrew's I-tube link - way cool.


kelly said...

I wish you the best!!! Please post the link to Andrew's commercial, would love to see it!! Funny, I just had a flashback to a scary fake Pooh costume!! You have come soooooo far!!
