Thursday, July 17, 2008

CHA Summer 2008 Trade Show - Worth the trip!

Hello out there...

I am in Chicago at the CHA (Craft & Hobby Association) Summer Trade Show and soaking up the information and ideas. I haven't even hit the trade show floor yet and already I am inspired. I attended several excellent workshops today and one motivated me to take the leap. I've been questioning it, fearing it and avoiding it, but Claudine Hellmuth provided the motivation I needed and here I am....blogging!

Claudine Hellmuth is current and has an infectious personality. When she said that I need to be blogging, I believed her. You make be familiar with Claudine Hellmuth. She has been on Martha Stewart and HGTV. She is a fabulous artist and impressive entrepreneur. You should check out her website:

Jean Chatzky is here too. You know from the Today Show! I now have a signed copy of her new book, Make Money Not Excuses.

I can't wait to get on the show floor tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

claudine hellmuth said...

yay! you're blogging! so glad you got started!